I have decided that I'm going to share a recipe each Tuesday. Each one will be one that I've tried. Some will be ones I've found online, ones that have been passed down through my family, and ones that were recommedations of friends. Today's recipe is one I found online, and is great served with earm French bread or over angel hair pasta (my preference). Enjoy!!!
New Orleans Barbequed Shrimp
1 pound shrimp, heads off and unpeeled
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup zesty Italian dressing
1 tablespook lemon juice
2 teaspoons ground black pepper
1/8 teaspoon garlin powder
1. Preheat over to 350 degrees
2. Wash shrimp and drain well.
3. Melt butter in a one quart casserole dish. Add salad dressing, lemon juice, black pepper, and garlic powder.
4. Add shrimp to the casserole dish. Stir gently to cover the shrimp with the mixture. Cover and bake, stirring occasionally for 25-30 minutes or until shrimp are pink.
5. Serve the shrimp on a large platter and place the sauce in individual bowls so that you can easily dunk bread in the sauce or pour over angel hair pasta in individual bowls.
Oh my! My mouth is watering this sounds so good! YUM.
I'm not a seafood fan, but this sounds like something husband and son might like. And, it seems easy, which is definitely my cooking style!