Tuesday, August 7, 2012

GBE 2 Challenge-Hidden

This is definitely not the easiest topic for me to write about, as I tend to be a pretty private person.  In thinking about what to write, I have realized that I keep many things in my life hidden from almost everyone.  Political feelings, what's going on in certain relationships in my life, the full stories behind things that have happened, diagnoses I've received, personal struggles, just to name a few.  I don't talk to many people about personal things, simply because there aren't many people I'm that comfortable with.  I think that's one of the reasons that I've always liked to write.  Writing has always been an outlet for me, a means of "talking" to someone about everything. 

That being said, there is one person in my life who knows absolutely everything there is to know, who has been there for me through thick and thin, who I would trust with my life.  I have the most amazing best friend in the world!  When there's big news in my life, she's the first one I usually tell.  We've been friends since 7th grade, having met in the halls of our extremely small school, and we clicked from day one and were pretty much inseparable.  Even though she changed schools halfway through 10th grade, we remained close, often spending weekends at each other's house.  We played softball for opposing schools, meeting on the sidelines after games to talk.  We talked on the phone on a regular basis.  After graduation, I moved to Rochester for college and she left for Virgina.  At that time, e-mail wasn't readily available like it is today, so we relied on old-fashioned letter-writing.  I always looked forward to getting mail from her and hearing about what was going on in her life, so far away.

Today, 20 years after high school graduation (yes, 20 years!!!), we are still the best of friends.  Time and distance haven't done anything to our relationship, and today, I feel like we are closer than ever.  I am thankful to have her in my life!!!  

Thank you, Kim, for everything you do for me, for all the love and support you give me, and for accepting me for exactly who I am! 


  1. Distance is the test of true friendship. I am so glad you were able to rekindle that friendship. Sometimes, life just gets in the way...

  2. I know about friends in far places...but always right next to your heart. I have a couple. ♥

  3. I respect your need for privacy and very glad you have a confidant in your best friend! :)

  4. We all need someone we trust with our lives. Glad you have someone.

  5. She sounds like a lovely worthy friend! I feel the same way about writing.


  6. Very nice! I have a friend like that--she knows everything there is to know about me...and loves me anyway. ;O)

  7. aww..writing lets love flow..thank you for sharing such a precious gift..YOU

  8. Distance is a state of mind.

    And I adore your "Marilyn" picture to the right!
